Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Balboa Park, San Diego

At  Embucadero San Diego, famous "KISS" at the end of world war 2.

Hard Rock Cafe, Gaslamp historic district downtown San Diego

Artist Village at Balboa Park, by wholesale from the artists, very quaint place.

We had a look at the Toulouse Lautrec's art display at Balboa Park

we spend a couple of days checking out San Diego before we park the RV up at Louis and Gretchens, we have a great meal at Louis's choice Veitnamese restraunt,great meal.
On our last night we cook Lee's famous ledgendary Chicken and Prunes, Louis and Gretchen are impressed.
our last couple of days, we hire a car and head off towards Los Angeles and home. Boo Hoo

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