Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bluff Utah, Newspaper Rock Moab Arches National Park

Stayed at a great little place called Bluff, the van park was terrible no toilets or water or TV don’t really know why we paid to stay..... next morning we visited a pioneer settlement that was being restored by the decendants, pretty amazing what the pioneers had to do to settle new areas, boy do we have it lucky.

We dropped into a place called Newspaper rock the largest collection of pertroglyphs (wall painting by the Indians).We then came across a place call “hole in the rock, some weird and wonderful things there, the Hole in the Rock is a home cut into the rock ( huge about 50 Sqs ) it is now a monument to the couple who dug it out, they have both passed on. Then onto Arches National Park,  Utah, what an amazing place, then onto Canyon Lands, mesas etc, I think that you can become canyoned out, but luckily so far they have all been so different, some more grand than the others, it’s hard to believe that the earth can vary so much in the way it has been formed and they are all so close together.

Petroglyphs at News Paper Rock, ancient grafitti

somepeople have nothing better to do, actually I think its pretty neat, made out of number plates and metal bits and car pieces,  this was at Hole in the Rock

This Bull was beautiful

Park Avenue, at Arches NP

Arches Views

Balancing Rock, Arches NP

Us under the Arches
Canyon Lands overlook
Merrimack and ??? cant remeber the other it starts with M though
views of Canyon Lands
More views of Canyonland

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