Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We headed to Roswell, we checked out the UFO museum and I think maybe Lee is beginning to cross over to being a believer, about time too, we also attended a christmas tree auction which was believe it or not a lot of fun. Met some great girls at the Tourist Info centre, Suzy and Felicia, who joined in with our sillyness and our Alien capture kit

Felicia, Lee and Suzy, very helpful at the Tourist Information Centre in Roswell 

Us being abducted by Aliens for Christmas in another world ( dont we look terrified !!!!)

This morning before leaving Roswell we stopped off at the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, Donald and Sally Anderson, they sponsor about 6 artists each year in a programme that runs for a full year ( fully paid for) , maybe we should apply.

The girls at Bell Gas and our Alien capture kit

 Finally when we were actually leaving Roswell we stopped off to get gas and met 3 great fun girls at the Bell Gas station, who are very interested in our theories on how to capture the foreign creatures.

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