Monday, November 8, 2010

Trimble Hot Sprigs and Durango.

Got a late start today, we went to Trimble Hots Springs which was opposite our RV park, it was lovely in the water one pool was 105deg and the other 109, we are in the hotter of the two, the trees behind were beautiful and cast a golden reflection onto the water.

We had a good time in Durango met a lot of nice people and went to a few night spots and a number of galleries, one gallery in particular had work by an artist called Rory Wagner, fantastic, could be a good investment as he died a few months ago. Any way today we head off towards New Mexico.  
At Trimble Hot Springs 7 miles north of Durango.

Hills behind Durango

Lees found his soul mate outside the chocolate shop

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Colorado River at Durango

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