Friday, November 12, 2010

Ice Crispies, Rio Grande, Magnificent Motor Collection Los Alamos Ohkay Casino

Ice on the car

 Running a little behind with the blog , due to bad internet connection, yesterday we had ice, snow whatever all over the car, soooo cold, but still fine.

The famous Rio Grande River

Part of Johnnies Collection

Johnnie and part of his famous collection of memoribilla

on the way to Los Alamos, the landscape looks like candy
 We headed out of Taos, towards Santa Fe crossed over the Rio Grande several times, came across a fantastic collection of motor/ gas station memoribilla collected by a fellow called Johnnie Meier, old cars, gas pumps, gas signs, what a fantastic collection, Johnnie is restoring an old diner and once its completed will sell icecream, Go Go Go Johnnie Go. what a great thing and he donates all money collected to animal welfare, not that he charges anything to look, but you are some impressed you have to give him something. One of the good guys.
  on the way to Los Alamos

Driving in the snow through the forest

Little Boy and Fat Boy atomic bombs , what a terrible invention these things were
 We stopped of and parked up the bus at a casino called Ohkay near Espanola, went for a drive to look at some red mountains and decided to continue to Los Alamos where the atomic bomb was created but obviously went the very very long way,  we thought we  got lost in the forest, in the snow, but evently came out at Los Alamos, , we sat through the movie and looked through the museum, I must say I am not impressed, what a terrible invention and what catistrophic distruction it caused, not nice.  We spent the night at the Ohkay Casio and why not, it was cheaper than an RV park, it was warm, they gave us about $20 worth of freebees.

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