Monday, November 15, 2010

Camel Rock, Sandia Casino, Abq Museum and Route 66

Can anyone guess what this is called ( answer at bottom of page.)

Sandia golf Course and Casino only a small part of it
 We are now in Albuquerque, lots of art here too, and casinos ( all pretty grand, all on Indian Reservations ( the indians are extremely wealthy as they own a lot of land and run all of the casinos except the ones in Las Vegas) 

We stopped of at the Natural History Museum and saw lots of dinosaurs that have been found in the region.

Part of a very large bronze scuplture outside of the Albuquerque Museum
Lee is standing next to a leg bone of the tallest creature that ever roamed the earth........glad we wont be meeting any of the dinosaurs .......

 We also had to go to the Route 66 Casino, this is a destination that all baby boomers would have to visit. 
A couple of great vehicles outside of the Route 66

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