Monday, November 8, 2010

Pagos Springs Colorado to Taos New Mexico

. We stopped off at Pagos Springs on the way to Taos, had a look around the town, lots closed, checked out the hot springs but didn’t go in it as we had gone to one yesterday, this one was pretty smelly with sulphur and not so appealing. On the way out of Pagos Springs we stopped off at a thrift store, unusual to be open on a Sunday, but we ended up buying a very large watercolour painting, or print not sure until we unframed it, but we have Googled the artist and she is an artist from Santa Fe, who still runs a gallery, it will be interesting to see if it is worth anything, we paid $58.00 but we love it , it’s an abstract watercolour of mesas, we hope that it isn’t a copy.

Our thrift shop art bargain by Marianne Hornbuckle it about 3x4feet in size very nicely framed ( has flash reflection)

Arrived in Taos about 10am, New Mexico is called the land of enchantment, but we couldn’t see how it got the name,but after speaking to locals later in the day apparently we missed the enchantment by a couple of weeks. I saw photos in a local gallery and it did look pretty spectacular with the autumn leaves, maybe next time...

We didnt see any of the colour that we expected as they had had a lot of wind and the
leaves had already fallen

one of the earthships, most are build partially underground
  On the way into Taos, we passed a group of houses called “earth ships” they are environmentally friendly houses built from all stuff like tyres and bottles a lot of stuff that normally cant be recycled.
            They have the main house underground and on the surface they have greenhouse gardens

We also had a look at historic Taos; it has a population of about 29,000 of which 30% are artists, so we have a lot of galleries to look at. We did find a painting that we would love to buy its by a local indigenous artist that passed away in September this year, his work is amazing, everyone should Google Rory Wagner, the piece we want is only $45,000, its extremly large about 8x5 feet, its fare to say that we probably won’t be purchasing hoo.

             We noticed that apparently you can get your flu shot at the same time you get gas!!!!!
               We stopped off at a nice little cafe in Taos for a cup of coffee or a bucket !!!!
                                                   everything in America is BIG!!!

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